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这是TCGA数据挖掘系列文章之一,是安德森癌症研究中心的Han Liang主导的,纯粹的生物信息学数据分析文章。
文章题目是:comprehensive characterization of molecular differences in cancer between male and female patients.

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这是TCGA数据挖掘系列文章之一,是安德森癌症研究中心的Han Liang主导的,纯粹的生物信息学数据分析文章。

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突变频谱探究mutation siganures

这也是对TCGA数据的深度挖掘,从而提出的一个统计学概念。文章研究了30种癌症,发现21种不同的mutation signature。如果理解了,就会发现这个其实蛮简单的,他们并不重新测序,只是拿已经有了的TCGA数据进行分析,而且居然是发表在nature上面!

研究了4,938,362 mutations from 7,042 cancers样本,突变频谱的概念只是针对于somatic 的mutation。一般是对癌症病人的肿瘤组织和癌旁组织配对测序,过滤得到的somatic mutation,一般一个样本也就几百个somatic 的mutation。


从2013年提出到现在,已经有30种mutation siganures,在cosmic数据库有详细记录,更新见:http://cancer.sanger.ac.uk/cosmic/signatures
mutation signature

Each signature is displayed according to the 96 substitution classification defined by the substitution class and sequence context immediately 3′ and 5′ to the mutated base. The probability bars for the six types of substitutions are displayed in different colours.
仔细看paper,还是蛮好理解的,自己写一个脚本就可以做这个分析了,前提是下载各个癌症的somatic mutation文件,一般是maf格式的,很多途径下载。
In principle, all classes of mutation (such as substitutions, indels, rearrangements) and any accessory mutation characteristic, for example, the sequence context of the mutation or the transcriptional strand on which it occurs, can be incorporated into the set of features by which a mutational signature is defined. In the first instance, we extracted mutational signatures using base substitutions and additionally included information on the sequence context of each mutation. Because there are six classes of base substitution—C>A, C>G, C>T, T>A, T>C, T>G (all substitutions are referred to by the pyrimidine of the mutated Watson–Crick base pair)—and as we incorporated information on the bases immediately 5′ and 3′ to each mutated base, there are 96 possible mutations in this classification. This 96 substitution classification is particularly useful for distinguishing mutational signatures that cause the same substitutions but in different sequence contexts.

很多癌症都发现了不止一种mutation signature,甚至高达6种,说明癌症之间差异还是蛮大的!
In most cancer classes at least two mutational signatures were observed, with a maximum of six in cancers of the liver, uterus and stomach. Although these differences may, in part, be attributable to differences in the power to extract signatures, it seems likely that some cancers have a more complex repertoire of mutational processes than others.
Most individual cancer genomes exhibit more than one mutational signature and many different combinations of signatures were observed
The set of signatures will be updated in the future. This will include incorporating additional mutation types (e.g., indels, structural rearrangements, and localized hypermutation such as kataegis) and cancer samples. With more cancer genome sequences and the additional statistical power this will bring, new signatures may be found, the profiles of current signatures may be further refined, signatures may split into component signatures and signatures may be found in cancer types in which they are currently not detected.
分类会持续不断更新,随着更多的cancer type和样本加入,新的signature会被发现,现有的signature也可能会被重新定义,或者被分割成多个小的signature


how to generate lollipop diagrams ?
Hugo_Symbol HUGO symbol for the gene TP53
Protein_Change Amino acid change V600E
  • Support mutation data with annotated protein effects
  • Mutation diagram/lollipop view
  • Mutation table view
  • 3D structure view if available

Pfam provides an online tool to not only generate the domain information in JSON format, but to draw the lollipop diagram using javascript as well. They have more information here: http://pfam.xfam.org/help#tabview=tab9

IMHO, not as pretty as cBioPortal's but it gets you close to a solution.

EDIT / SHAMELESS PLUG: After seeing the data available and how easy it'd be, I made my own quick tool to fetch the data and draw the diagram for me in a style similar to cBioPortal - feel free to fork it and add features: https://github.com/pbnjay/lollipops

Example output (w/ labels per the comments)



We found ourselves in the same need, we wanted such a plot (JavaScript). Thus, I add our solution, Mutations Needle Plot. The library creates an SVG image (with D3), which then may be downloaded.

You will npm in order to be able to install & run the library.

Examples may be found in the snippets folder or also the index.html - The one displayed here below

My colleague @SolenaLS recently asked me to write something like this: (uniprot+SVG+javascript : )http://lindenb.github.io/pages/uniprot/paintsvg.html
Ensemble also gives similar plot.




用my.surv <- surv(OS_MONTHS,OS_STATUS=='DECEASED')构建生存曲线。
用kmfit2 <- survfit(my.surv~TUMOR_STAGE_2009)来做某一个因子的KM生存曲线。用 survdiff(my.surv~type, data=dat)来看看这个因子的不同水平是否有显著差异,其中默认用是的logrank test 方法。
用coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ ph.ecog + tt(age), data=lung) 来检测自己感兴趣的因子是否受其它因子(age,gender等等)的影响。

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箭头所指的文件,一个都不少,只有那个rRNA.tar我没有用, 因为这个软件有两种使用方式,我用的是第一种
RNA-SeQC can be run with or without a BWA-based rRNA level estimation mode. To run without (less accurate, but faster) use the command:
java -jar RNASeQC.jar -n 1000 -s "TestId|ThousandReads.bam|TestDesc" -t gencode.v7.annotation_goodContig.gtf -r Homo_sapiens_assembly19.fasta -o ./testReport/ -strat gc -gc gencode.v7.gc.txt 
 java -jar RNA-SeQC_v1.1.8.jar  \
-n 1000 \
-s "TestId|ThousandReads.bam|TestDesc" \
-t gencode.v7.annotation_goodContig.gtf \
-r ~/ref-database/human_g1k_v37/human_g1k_v37.fasta  \
-o ./testReport/ \
-strat gc \
-gc gencode.v7.gc.txt \
To run the more accurate but slower, BWA-based method :
java -jar RNASeQC.jar -n 1000 -s "TestId|ThousandReads.bam|TestDesc" -t gencode.v7.annotation_goodContig.gtf -r Homo_sapiens_assembly19.fasta -o ./testReport/ -strat gc -gc gencode.v7.gc.txt -BWArRNA human_all_rRNA.fasta
Note: this assumes BWA is in your PATH. If this is not the case, use the -bwa flag to specify the path to BWA
  • RPKM data are used as produced by RNA-SeQC.
  • Filter on >=10 individuals with >0.1 RPKM and raw read counts greater than 6.
  • Quantile normalization was performed within each tissue to bring the expression profile of each sample onto the same scale.
  • To protect from outliers, inverse quantile normalization was performed for each gene, mapping each set of expression values to a standard normal.


step1:Affymetrix U133 Plus2 DNA microarray gene expressions of 27 gastric cancer cell lines (Kato-III, IM95, SNU-620, SNU-16, OCUM-1, NUGC-4, 2313287, HUG1N, MKN45, NCIN87, KE39, AGS, SNU-5, SNU-216, NUGC-3, NUGC-2, MKN74, MKN7, RERFGC1B, GCIY, KE97, Fu97, SH10TC, MKN1, SNU-1, Hs746 T, HGC27) were downloaded from Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE) [16] in March 2013.
step2: Robust Multi-array Average (RMA) normalization was performed. Principal component analysis plot show no obvious batch effect.
step3: The normalized data is then collapsed by taking the probe sets with highest gene expression.

step4:Unsupervised hierarchical clustering (1-Spearman distance, average linkage) was performed on the cell lines using the aCGH data.

Putative driver genes of which copy number aberrations correlated to mRNA gene expression were identified to determine subtypes or clusters that are driven by different mechanisms. This was done using Mann Whitney U-test with p<0.05, and Spearman Correlation Coefficient test with Rho >0.6.

step5:We then performed consensus clustering[17] on the gene expression data of the 27 gastric cancer cell lines from CCLE using these putative driver genes. We selected k = 2 as it gives sufficiently stable similarity matrix.

step6: In order to assign new samples to this integrative cluster, significance analysis of microarray (SAM) [18]with threshold q<2.0 was used to generate subtype signature based on the mRNA expression data of the 1762 genes from the 27 gastric cancer cell lines in CCLE.

先用甲基化数据来聚类,得到putative driver genes,然后再用这些基因的表达数据来再次聚类,分成两类,然后对这两类进行SAM找差异基因

step7:ssGSEA (single sample GSEA)was used to estimate pathway activities of the gastric cancer cell line in the Molecular Signature Database v3.1 (Msigdb v3.1) [19][20]. The pathway activities are represented in enrichment scores which were rank normalized to [0.0, 1.0]. 
step8:SAM analysis was performed with threshold q<0.2, and fold change >2.0 (for up-regulated pathways), or <0.5 (for down-regulated pathways) to obtain subtype-specific pathways from the 27 gastric cell lines in CCLE.
这里既用来gene set的富集分析,又用来超几何分布的富集分析,结果去看看这篇文章就知道了!
这篇文章只用了CCLE的一个地方,就是看看不同cancer type里面的某个基因表达boxplot
Further, the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE) database demonstrated that of 1062 cell lines representing 37 distinct cancer types, glioma cell lines express the highest levels of STK17A

结论就是:STK17A is highly expressed in glioma cell lines compared to other cancer types. Data was obtained through the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE).


The 5,000 most variable genes were used for unsupervised clustering of cell lines by mRNA expression data. Cell lines are colour-coded (vertical bars) according to the reported tissue of origin (a PDF version that can be enlarged at high resolution is in Supplementary InformationSupplementary Fig. S4); horizontal labels at bottom indicate the dominating tissue types within the respective branches of the dendrogram. Most ovarian cancer cell lines (magenta) cluster together, interspersed with endometrial cell lines. However, some ovarian cancer cell lines cluster with other tissue types (*). Top right panels: neighbourhoods (1) of the top cell lines in our analysis, (2) of cell line IGROV1, and (3) of cell line A2780. For the ovarian cancer cell lines in these enlarged areas, the histological subtype as assigned in the original publication is indicated by coloured letters.




Here we describe the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE): a compilation of gene expression, chromosomal copy number, and massively parallel sequencing data from 947 human cancer cell lines. 
The mutational status of >1,600 genes was determined by targeted massively parallel sequencing, followed by removal of variants likely to be germline events . 
Moreover, 392 recurrent mutations affecting 33 known cancer genes were assessed by mass spectrometric genotyping13 . 
DNA copy number was measured using high-density single nucleotide polymorphism arrays (Affymetrix SNP 6.0; Supplementary Methods). 
Finally, mRNA expression levels were obtained for each of the lines using Affymetrix U133 plus 2.0 arrays. 
These data were also used to confirm cell line identities .
文章的附件有对cell lines的具体描述。
CCLE的数据在broad institute里面可以下载,也放在GEO数据库里面,我比较喜欢GEO里面的数据
This SuperSeries is composed of the following SubSeries:
GSE36133 Expression data from the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE)
GSE36138 SNP array data from the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE)
有人喜欢把这个metadata叫做是clinical data。
ccleFromGEO <- getGEO("GSE36133")
annotBlock1 <- pData(phenoData(ccleFromGEO[[1]]))
[1] 917  38
> dim(exprSet)
[1] 18926   917
##它的表达数据矩阵,包含了18926个基因,列名是917个细胞系的名字,行是基因的entrez ID
keyColumns <- c("title", "source_name_ch1", "characteristics_ch1", "characteristics_ch1.1", 
options(stringsAsFactors = F)
Cell line (1035个细胞系简介)Gene Sets
1035 sets of genes with high or low expression in each cell line relative to other cell lines from the CCLE Cell Line Gene Expression Profiles dataset.
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cncy.21471/pdf 介绍了几个类似的数据库资源
Anticancer drug sensitivity analysis: An integrated approach applied to Erlotinib sensitivity prediction in the CCLE database



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          当然,理论上是很简单,但是那么多统计学家要吃饭呀,肯定得把这件事搞复杂才行,所以就有了非常多的somatic突变 calling的软件,开个玩笑哈,主要是因为我们的测序并不是对单个细胞测序,我们通常意义取到的正常组织和癌症组织都不是纯的,所以会有很多关于这一点的讨论。
        正好我看到了一篇帖子,收集了大部分比较出名的做somatic mutation calling的软件,当然,我只用过mutect和varscan。


Here are a few more, a summary of the other answers, and updated links:

For a much more general discussion of variant calling (not necessarily somatic or limited to SNVs/InDels) check out this thread: What Methods Do You Use For In/Del/Snp Calling?

Some papers describing comparisons of these callers:

The ICGC-TCGA DREAM Mutation Calling challenge has a component on somatic SNV calling.

This paper used validation data to compare popular somatic SNV callers:

Detecting somatic point mutations in cancer genome sequencing data: a comparison of mutation callers

You'll need to update the link to MuTect. Broad Institute has begun to put portable versions of their tools on Github, like thelatest release of MuTectThe Genome Institute at WashU has been using Github for a while, but portable versions of their tools can be found here and here.


To rehash/expand on what Dan said, if you're sequencing normal tissue, you generally expect to see single-nucleotide variant sites fall into one of three bins: 0%, 50%, or 100%, depending on whether they're heterozygous or homozygous.

With tumors, you have to deal with a whole host of other factors:

  1. Normal admixture in the tumor sample: lowers variant allele fraction (VAF)
  2. Tumor admixture in the normal - this occurs when adjacent normals are used, or in hematological cancers, when there is some blood in the skin normal sample
  3. Subclonal variants, which may occur in any fraction of the cells, meaning that your het-site VAF might be anywhere from 50% down to sub-1%, depending on the tumor's clonal architecture and the sensitivity of your method
  4. Copy number variants, cn-neutral loss of heterozygosity, or ploidy changes, all of which again shift the expected distribution of variant fractions

These, and other factors, make calling somatic variants difficult and still an area that is being heavily researched. If someone tells you that somatic variant calling is a solved problem, they probably have never tried to call somatic variants.

Sounds like somatic / tumor variant calling is something that will be solved by improvements at the wet lab side ( single cell selection / amplification / sequencing ) . Rather than at the computational side.

Well, single cell has a role to play (and would have more of one if WGA wasn't so lossy), but realistically, you can't sequence billions of cells from a tumor individually. Bulk sequencing still is going to have a role for quite a while.

Hell germ line calling isn't even a solved problem. Still get lots of false positives (and false negatives). It just tends to work so well that it is hard to improve it much except by making it faster, less memory intensive, etc

Solved was the wrong word. I just meant improved. There is only so much you can do at the computational side. Wet lab also has its part to play.

A germline variant caller generally has a ploidy-based genotyping algorithm built in to part of the algorithm/pipeline. I believe, IIRC, the GATK UnifiedGenotyper for instance does both variant calling and then genotype calling. So to call a genotype for a variant it is expecting a certain number of reads to support the alternative allele. When working with somatic variants all of the assumptions about how many reads you expect with a variant at a position to distinguish between true and false positives are no longer valid. Except for fixed mutations throughout the tumor population only some proportion of cells will hold a somatic variation. You also typically have some contamination from normal non-cancerous cells. Add in complications from significant genomic instability with lots of copy number variations and such and you have a need for a major change in your model for calling variation while minimizing artifactual calls. So you have a host of other programs that have been developed specifically for looking at somatic variation in tumor samples.


Comparison of somatic mutation calling methods in amplicon and whole exome sequence data


High-throughput sequencing is rapidly becoming common practice in clinical diagnosis and cancer research. Many algorithms have been developed for somatic single nucleotide variant (SNV) detection in matched tumor-normal DNA sequencing. Although numerous studies have compared the performance of various algorithms on exome data, there has not yet been a systematic evaluation using PCR-enriched amplicon data with a range of variant allele fractions. The recently developed gold standard variant set for the reference individual NA12878 by the NIST-led “Genome in a Bottle” Consortium (NIST-GIAB) provides a good resource to evaluate admixtures with various SNV fractions.

Using the NIST-GIAB gold standard, we compared the performance of five popular somatic SNV calling algorithms (GATK UnifiedGenotyper followed by simple subtraction, MuTect, Strelka, SomaticSniper and VarScan2) for matched tumor-normal amplicon and exome sequencing data.

Nevertheless, detecting somatic mutations is still challenging, especially for low-allelic-fraction variants caused by tumor heterogeneity, copy number alteration, and sample degradation

We used QIAGEN’s GeneRead DNAseq Comprehensive Cancer Gene Panel (CCP, Version 1) for enrichment and library construction in triplicate。

QIAGEN’s GeneRead DNAseq Comprehensive Cancer Gene Panel (Version 1) was used to amplify the target region of interest (124 genes, 800 Kb).

When analyzing different types of data, use of different algorithms may be appropriate.

DNA samples of NA12878 and NA19129 were purchased from Coriell Institute. Sample mixtures were created based on the actual amplifiable DNA in each sample, resulting in 0%, 8%, 16%, 36%, and 100% of NA12878 sample mixed in the NA19129 sample, respectively.We treated the mixed samples at 8%, 16%, 36%, and 100% as the virtual tumor samples and the 0% as the virtual normal sample.


1. NaiveSubtract — SNVs were called separately from virtual tumor and normal samples using GATK UnifiedGenotyper [22]. For exome sequencing data, reads were already mapped, locally realigned and recalibrated by the 1,000 Genomes Project. So SNVs were directly called on the BAM files using GATK Unified Genotyper. Then, SNVs detected in the virtual normal sample were removed from the list of SNVs detected in the virtual tumor sample, leaving the “somatic” SNVs.

2. MuTect — MuTect is a method developed for detecting the most likely somatic point mutations in NGS data using a Bayesian classifier approach. The method includes pre-processing aligned reads separately in tumor and normal samples and post-processing resulting variants by applying an additional set of filters. We ran MuTect under the High-Confidence mode with its default parameter settings. We disabled the “Clustered position” filter and the “dbSNP filter” for the amplicon sequencing reads, and we disabled the “dbSNP filter” for the exome sequencing.

3. SomaticSniper — SomaticSniper calculates the Bayesian posterior probability of each possible joint genotype across the normal and cancer samples. We tuned the software’s parameters to increase sensitivity and then filtered raw results using a Somatic Score cut-off of 20 to improve specificity.

4. Strelka — Strelka reports the most likely genotype for tumor and normal samples based on a Bayesian probability model. Post-calling filters built into the software are based on factors such as read depth, mismatches, and overlap with indels. We skipped depth filtration for exome and amplicon sequencing data as recommended by the Strelka authors. For the amplicon sequencing reads, we set the minimum MAPQ score at 17 for consistency with the defaults in GATK UnifiedGenotyper. We used variants passing Strelka post-calling filters for analysis.

5. VarScan2 — VarScan2 performs analyses independently on pileup files from the tumor and normal samples to heuristically call a genotype at positions achieving certain thresholds of coverage and quality. Then, sites of the genotypes not matched in tumor and normal samples are classified into somatic, germline, or ambiguous groups using Fisher’s exact test. We generated the pileup files using SAMtools mpileup command.

The compatibility of the output VCF files between different methods as well as the NIST-GIAB gold standard was examined using bcbio.variation tools and manual inspection. The reported SNP call representations between files are comparable to each other.






而大名鼎鼎的broad institute就规定了maf格式的突变注释文件,他就是利用了十几个常见的已知数据库来注释我们得到的vcf突变记录,通常是对somatic的突变才注释成maf格式的数据!

Genomic Annotations

  • Gene, transcript, and functional consequence annotations using GENCODE for hg19.
  • Reference sequence around a variant.
  • GC content around a variant.
  • Human DNA Repair Gene annotations from Wood et al.

Protein Annotations

  • Site-specific protein annotations from UniProt.
  • Functional impact predictions from dbNSFP.

Cancer Variant Annotations

Non-Cancer Variant Annotations



十二 29

用firehose_get 来下载所有TCGA寄存在broad的数据

该软件是broad institute写的一个数据接口,主要是供他人下载TCGA的所有寄存在broad institute的免费数据,主要是level3,level4的数据。(说错了,好像只有level4的数据,就是可以发文章的分析结果及图片)




十二 25


都是发表在nature,cell还有新英格兰医学杂志上面的超级文章!每个文章附件都有一百多页,比博士论文还长,但是它们的分析套路其实都一样,都是那几种数据,包括WGS,WES,RNA-Seq,芯片表达量,miRNA表达量,甲基化数据,蛋白数据。分析过程也差不多,无法就是对癌症进行进一步的分类,癌症亚型,或者看看driver mutation,进一步解释癌症病变,转移,扩散机理,或者找标记物signature,辅助治疗等等,具体的要等我把这些文献看完了才能再进一步讲解,请做癌症研究方向的一定要把它们看完。






十一 05


从数以万计的突变里面找到driver mutation这个课题很大,里面的软件我接触的就有十几个了,但是我尝试了其中几个,总是无法运行成功,不知道为什么,终于今天成功了一个,就是mutsig软件! 其实关于突变数据找driver mutation ,台湾一个大学做了一个数据库DriverDB http://ngs.ym.edu.tw/driverdb/: 还因此发了一篇文章:http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/11/07/nar.gkt1025.full.pdf,挺不错的!

关于driver mutation的理论最近也进化了很多,算是比较完善了吧,但是我一直没时间静下心来好好补充理论知识,很多软件,都只是用过,很多数据,也只是处理了一下,不知道为什么要去做,╮(╯▽╰)╭扯远了,开始谈这个软件吧!

mutsig软件是broadinstitute出品的,所以可靠性非常好咯,来源于一篇nature文章:http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v505/n7484/full/nature12912.html,而该软件的地址是:http://www.broadinstitute.org/cancer/cga/mutsig_run 需要简单注册才能下载的。

该nature文章是这样描述这个软件的优点的:We used the most recent version of the MutSig suite of tools, which looks for three independent signals: highmutational burden relative to background expectation, accounting for heterogeneity; clustering of mutations within the gene; and enrichment of mutations in evolutionarily conserved sites. Wecombined the significance levels (P values) fromeach test to obtain a single significance level per gene (Methods).





run_MutSigCV.sh <path_to_MCR> mutations.maf coverage.txt covariates.txt output.txt 即可,其中所有的数据都是可以下载的,

运行完了测试数据, 就证明你的软件安装没有问题啦!如果你只有突变数据的maf格式,maf格式可以参考:https://www.biostars.org/p/69222/ ,也可以使用该软件:如下

run_MutSigCV.sh <path_to_MCR> my_mutations.maf exome_full192.coverage.txt gene.covariates.txt my_results mutation_type_dictionary_file.txt chr_files_hg19





肾上腺皮质 Adrenocortical carcinoma ACC 92 Browse Browse
膀胱,尿路上皮 Bladder urothelial carcinoma BLCA 412 Browse Browse
乳腺癌 Breast invasive carcinoma BRCA 1098 Browse Browse
子宫颈 Cervical and endocervical cancers CESC 307 Browse Browse
胆管癌 Cholangiocarcinoma CHOL 36 Browse Browse
结肠腺癌 Colon adenocarcinoma COAD 460 Browse Browse
大肠腺癌 Colorectal adenocarcinoma COADREAD 631 Browse Browse
淋巴肿瘤弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤 Lymphoid Neoplasm Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma DLBC 58 Browse Browse
食管 Esophageal carcinoma ESCA 185 Browse Browse
FFPE试点二期 FFPE Pilot Phase II FPPP 38 None Browse
胶质母细胞瘤 Glioblastoma multiforme GBM 613 Browse Browse
脑胶质瘤 Glioma GBMLGG 1129 Browse Browse
头颈部鳞状细胞癌 Head and Neck squamous cell carcinoma HNSC 528 Browse Browse
肾嫌色 Kidney Chromophobe KICH 113 Browse Browse
泛肾 Pan-kidney cohort (KICH+KIRC+KIRP) KIPAN 973 Browse Browse
肾透明细胞癌 Kidney renal clear cell carcinoma KIRC 537 Browse Browse
肾乳头细胞癌 Kidney renal papillary cell carcinoma KIRP 323 Browse Browse
急性髓系白血病 Acute Myeloid Leukemia LAML 200 Browse Browse
脑低级神经胶质瘤 Brain Lower Grade Glioma LGG 516 Browse Browse
肝癌 Liver hepatocellular carcinoma LIHC 377 Browse Browse
肺腺癌 Lung adenocarcinoma LUAD 585 Browse Browse
肺鳞状细胞癌 Lung squamous cell carcinoma LUSC 504 Browse Browse
间皮瘤 Mesothelioma MESO 87 Browse Browse
卵巢浆液性囊腺癌 Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma OV 602 Browse Browse
胰腺癌 Pancreatic adenocarcinoma PAAD 185 Browse Browse
嗜铬细胞瘤和副神经节瘤 Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma PCPG 179 Browse Browse
前列腺癌 Prostate adenocarcinoma PRAD 499 Browse Browse
直肠腺癌 Rectum adenocarcinoma READ 171 Browse Browse
肉瘤 Sarcoma SARC 260 Browse Browse
皮肤皮肤黑色素瘤 Skin Cutaneous Melanoma SKCM 470 Browse Browse
胃腺癌 Stomach adenocarcinoma STAD 443 Browse Browse
胃和食管癌 Stomach and Esophageal carcinoma STES 628 Browse Browse
睾丸生殖细胞肿瘤 Testicular Germ Cell Tumors TGCT 150 Browse Browse
甲状腺癌 Thyroid carcinoma THCA 503 Browse Browse
胸腺瘤 Thymoma THYM 124 Browse Browse
子宫内膜癌 Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma UCEC 560 Browse Browse
子宫癌肉瘤 Uterine Carcinosarcoma UCS 57 Browse Browse
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文献名:Differential Pathogenesis of Lung Adenocarcinoma Subtypes Involving Sequence Mutations, Copy Number, Chromosomal Instability, and Methylation
Lung adenocarcinoma (LAD)的遗传变异度很大。
这个癌症可以分成三类:The LAD molecular subtypes (Bronchioid, Magnoid, and Squamoid)
1、Gene mutation rates (EGFR, KRAS, STK11, TP53),
2、chromosomal instability,
3、regional copy number
4、genomewide DNA methylation
1、Patient overall survival,
2、cisplatin plus vinorelbine therapy response
3、predicted gefitinib sensitivity
1,DNA copy number
2,gene sequence mutation
3,DNA methylation
4,gene expression
即使是TP53这样的基因在LAD的突变率也才35%,所以我们的LAD应该更加细分,因为EGFR mutation and KRAS mutation这样的突变对治疗很有指导意义,细分更加有助于临床针对性治疗方案的选择。
我们选取了116个LAD样本的数据,分析了1,genome-wide gene expression,,2,genomewide DNA copy number, 3,genome-wide DNA methylation, 4,selected gene sequence mutations
得到的结论是:LAD molecular subtypes correlate with grossly distinct genomic alterations and patient therapy response
Gene expression --> Agilent 44 K microarrays.
DNA copy number --> Affymetrix 250 K Sty and SNP6 microarrays.
DNA methylation --> MSNP microarray assay.
DNA from EGFR, KRAS, STK11 and TP53 exons --> ABI sequencers
我们用的是R语言包 ConsensusClusterPlus根据gene expression 来对我们的LAD进行分类molecular subtypes
分类的基因有506个(the top 25% most variable genes, 3,045, using ConsensusClusterPlus),A nearest centroid subtype predictor utilizing 506 genes

Bronchioid – excretion genes, asthma genes, and surfactants (SFTPB, SFTPC, SFTPD);
Magnoid – DNA repair genes, such as thymine-DNA glycosylase (TDG);
Squamoid – defense response genes, such as chemokine ligand 10 (CXCL10)
Bronchioid had the most females, nonsmokers, early stage tumors, and low grade tumors, the greatest acinar content, the least necrosis, and the least invasion.
Squamoid had the most high grade tumors, the greatest solid content, and the lowest papillary content.
Magnoid had themost smokers and the heaviest smokers by pack years.
Bronchioid had the greatest EGFR mutation frequency
Magnoid had the greatest mutation frequencies in TP53, KRAS and STK11.
为了研究不同亚型癌症的突变模式的不同(genomewide mutation rates),我们同时又研究了a large set of rarely mutated genes (n = 623) from the Ding et al. cohort

Bronchioid subtype 更有可能受益于EGFR inhibitory therapy
Magnoid tumors also have severe genomic alterations including the greatest CIN, the most regional CN alterations, DNA hypermethylation, and the greatest genomewide mutation rate.
the Squamoid subtype displayed the fewest distinctive alterations that included only regional CN alterations