


文章是 FZD7 has a critical role in cell proliferation in triple negative breast cancer. Oncogene 2011 Oct 27;30(43):4437-46. PMID: 21532620 已经是2011的表达芯片数据了,那个时候的分析路线是 首先做差异分析拿到统计学显著的上下调基因,然后KEGG等数据库注释,挑选一条通路,然后选定通路里面的指定基因,比如FZD7进行下游分析
Identification of differentially expressed genes was first carried out under the criteria of 1.5-fold upregulation in TNBC with a P-value <0.01.
Two hundred and six genes, including 169 annotated genes (Supplementary Figure 1) were identified as being differentially expressed
The Wnt signaling pathway was identified as a pathway that was significantly overexpressed in TNBC (P<0.05)
FZD7, LRP6 and TCF7 were all upregulated along the Wnt signaling pathway

2019的oncology letter文章

在文章 https://www.spandidos-publications.com/10.3892/ol.2019.9884 也是分析同样的数据集,就是我们说到的数据挖掘啦。
In total, 14 pre-treated non-triple-negative breast tumors and 5 triple-negative breast tumors were collected based on the GPL6244 (HuGene-1_0-st) Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0 ST Array.
On the basis of the SAM analysis, a total of 132 upregulated and 198 downregulated DEGs were identified.
The GO analysis was subsequently conducted (Table II).
The results demonstrated that the upregulated DEGs, which included CR2, IGHM, PRKCB, CARD11, PLCG2, CD79A, IGKC and CD27, were relative to the immune response, such as lymphocyte activation (P=1.49×10−11), leukocyte activation (P=4.68×10−11) and B-cell activation (P=6.02× 10−8) (Table IIA).



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