
  1. 新一代测序数据分析-在优酷里面可以搜索到,一下是配套视频的讲义及下载地址!
  2. Lecture Notes
  3. Lectures will appear below as they are presented. Homeworks are specified in each handout.
  4. Lecture 1 - slideshandouts. course information, homework and project information, introduction to computing, setting up you computer, basic unix command line usage, organizing your projects, homework 1.
  5. Lecture 2 - slideshandouts, The GFF formatsequence ontologies, basic Unix commands: wc, grep, cut, sort, redirecting input and output streams, piping commands, processing a tabular file with UNIX tools, homework 2
  6. Lecture 3 - slideshandouts. programming languages, download and install an proper editor, introduction to the AWK programming language, tabular file processing, filtering by feature types, Awk onliners explained, another collections of AWK oneliners, homework 3.
  7. Lecture 4 - slideshandouts, sequencing technologies, sequence representations, the FASTA format, processing FASTA files at the command line, homework 4.
  8. Lecture 5 - slideshandouts, string matching, edit distances, regular expressions, local and global alignments, homework 5.
  9. Lecture 6 - slideshandouts, introduction to using blast, legacy blast and blast+, preparing blast databases, performing a blastn query, formatting blast output, homework 6.
  10. Lecture 7 - slideshandouts, using blast, formatting databases, using the blastdbcmd, extract sequences, batch operations, formatting blast queries, homework 7.
  11. Lecture 8 - slideshandouts, blast score and E-values, search strategies, usage examples for blastn, blastp, blastx, tblastn, and tblastx, homework 8.
  12. Lecture 9 - slideshandouts, quality encodings, phred scales, the FASTQ format, homework 9.
  13. Lecture 10 - slideshandouts, file compression, gzip, zip, bz2, file archives, tarbombs, plotting fastq qualities homework 10.
  14. Lecture 11 - slideshandouts installing tools, quality control, adapter trimming, error corrections
  15. Lecture 12 - slideshandouts paired end sequencing, quality control for paired end sequencing, the bioawk language
  16. Lecture 13 - slideshandouts paired end sequencing, read stiching, automating tasks with shell scripts
  17. Lecture 14 - slideshandouts short read alignments, bwa, bowtie and other tools.
  18. Lecture 15 - slideshandouts the sequence alignment map SAM format
  19. Lecture 16 - slideshandouts the SAM/BAM format, sorting and indexing BAM files, using the samtools program
  20. Lecture 17 - slideshandouts aligning paired end reads, comparing and evaluating aligners, simulating sequencing reads with the wgsim tool
  21. Lecture 18 - slideshandouts read duplication, visualizing alignments with IGV and IGB
  22. Lecture 19, guest lecture by Nicholas Stoler - slides, the variant call format (VCF), calling variants with samtools mpileup
  23. Lecture 20,- slideshandouts origins of genome variations, more on SNP calling, successes and failures
  24. Lecture 21,- slideshandouts interval representation, BED and GFF formats, representing data
  25. Lecture 22,- slideshandouts interval operations: complement, extension, flanking, Using the BedTools package
  26. Lecture 23,- slideshandouts interval operations: intersect, window, selecting closest features
  27. Lecture 24,- slideshandouts an introduction to genome assembly, using the velvet assembler, evaluating genome assemblies with QUAST
  28. Lecture 25,- slideshandoutsmeta.tar.gz (25MB) an introduction to metagenomics, software packages mothur, QIIME and MetaSim, online tools RDP, MG-RAST
  29. Lecture 26,- slideshandoutslec26.tar.gz (25MB) an introduction to Chip-Seq technology, peak calling concepts, preprocessing and peak calling methods (part 1)
  30. Lecture 27,- slideshandouts, Chip-Seq peak calling sofware, preprocessing and peak calling methods (part 2)
  31. Lecture 28,- slideshandoutslec28.tar.gz basic RNA-Seq data analysis concepts, split read mapping
  32. Lecture 29, slideshandoutslec29.tar.gz RNA-Seq (part 2)
  33. Lecture 30, slideshandouts, bioinformatics beyond the command line: using R for data analysis
  34. Final Project 30, final-project, data for final project pony.tar.gz (17Mb) BMB 597D: Final project, 50% of the final grade, due 5pm Saturday Dec 14th, 2013

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