
同样是写教程,特别羡慕英语为母语国家的知识分享者,写出来的教程很容易变成SCI文章,比如我一直大力推崇的Griffith两兄弟(Obi and Malachi Griffith),他们就把转录组数据处理教程发表了: Obi L. Griffith . 2015. Informatics for RNA-seq: A web resource for analysis on the cloud. PLoS Comp Biol. 而且一直在持续更新!



  1. Module 0 - Introduction and Cloud Computing

    1. Authors
    2. Citation and Supplementary Materials
    3. Syntax
    4. Intro to AWS Cloud Computing
    5. Logging into Amazon Cloud
    6. Unix Bootcamp
    7. Environment
    8. Resources
  2. Module 1 - Introduction to RNA sequencing

    1. Installation
    2. Reference Genomes
    3. Annotations
    4. Indexing
    5. RNA-seq Data
    6. Pre-Alignment QC
  3. Module 2 - RNA-seq Alignment and Visualization

    1. Adapter Trim
    2. Alignment
    3. IGV
    4. Alignment Visualization
    5. Alignment QC
  4. Module 3 - Expression and Differential Expression

    1. Expression
    2. Differential Expression
    3. DE Visualization
    4. Kallisto for Reference-Free Abundance Estimation
  5. Module 4 - Isoform Discovery and Alternative Expression

    1. Reference Guided Transcript Assembly
    2. de novo Transcript Assembly
    3. Transcript Assembly Merge
    4. Differential Splicing
    5. Splicing Visualization
  6. Module 5 - De novo transcript reconstruction

    1. De novo RNA-Seq Assembly and Analysis Using Trinity
  7. Module 6 - Functional Annotation of Transcripts

    1. Functional Annotation of Assembled Transcripts Using Trinotate
  8. Appendix

    1. Saving Your Results
    2. Abbreviations
    3. Lectures
    4. Practical Exercise Solutions
    5. Integrated Assignment
    6. Proposed Improvements
    7. AWS Setup

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