

本文选择的是SHRiMP这个小众软件,起初我并没有在意,就用的bowtie2而已,参考基因组我这里因为服务器原因,就用了miRBase数据库下载的人类的参考序列,现在的miRNA版本来说,人类这个物种已知的成熟miRNA共有2588条序列,而前体miRNA共有1881条序列,我下载(下载时间2016年6月 )的代码见 自学miRNA-seq分析第二讲~学习资料的搜集 ,下面比对所用到的软件已经序列在我的: 自学miRNA-seq分析第三讲~公共测序数据下载

## step5 : alignment to miRBase v21 (hairpin.human.fa/mature.human.fa )
#### step5.1 using bowtie2 to do alignment
mkdir  bowtie2_index &&  cd bowtie2_index
~/biosoft/bowtie/bowtie2-2.2.9/bowtie2-build ../hairpin.human.fa hairpin_human
~/biosoft/bowtie/bowtie2-2.2.9/bowtie2-build ../mature.human.fa  mature_human
ls *_clean.fq.gz | while read id ; do  ~/biosoft/bowtie/bowtie2-2.2.9/bowtie2 -x miRBase/bowtie2_index/hairpin_human -U $id   -S ${id%%.*}.hairpin.sam ; done
## overall alignment rate:  10.20% / 5.71%/ 10.18%/ 4.36% / 10.02% / 4.95%  (before convert U to T )
## overall alignment rate:  51.77% / 70.38%/51.45% /61.14%/ 52.20% / 65.85% (after convert U to T )
ls *_clean.fq.gz | while read id ; do  ~/biosoft/bowtie/bowtie2-2.2.9/bowtie2 -x miRBase/bowtie2_index/mature_human  -U $id   -S ${id%%.*}.mature.sam ; done
## overall alignment rate:  6.67% / 3.78% / 6.70% / 2.80%/ 6.55% / 3.23%    (before convert U to T )
## overall alignment rate:  34.94% / 46.16%/ 35.00%/ 38.50% / 35.46% /42.41%(after convert U to T )
#### step5.2 using SHRiMP to do alignment
##    3.5 Mapping cDNA reads against a miRNA database
cd ~/biosoft/SHRiMP/SHRiMP_2_2_3
cd -
##  We project the database with:
$SHRIMP_FOLDER/utils/project-db.py --seed 00111111001111111100,00111111110011111100,00111111111100111100,00111111111111001100,00111111111111110000 \
 --h-flag --shrimp-mode ls miRBase/hairpin.human.fa
$SHRIMP_FOLDER/bin/gmapper-ls -L  hairpin.human-ls SRR1542716.fastq  --qv-offset 33   \
-o 1 -H -E -a -1 -q -30 -g -30 --qv-offset 33 --strata -N 8  >map.out 2>map.log




Thank you so  much!. Yes I contacted the lab-guy and he just said that trimmed the first 4 bp and last 4bp. ( as you found)

So  I firstly trimmed the adapter sequences(TGGAATTCTCGGGTGCCAAGGAACTCCAGTCAC)

And then, trimmed the first 4bp and last 4bp from reads, which leads to the 22bp peak of read-length distribution(instead of 24bp)

Anyhow, I tried to map with bowtie2 again.

bowtie2 --local -N 1 -L 16

-x ../miRNA_reference/hairpin_UtoT.fa

-U first4bptrimmed_A1-SmallRNA_S1_L001_R1_001_Illuminaadpatertrim.fastq

-S f4_trimmed.sam


I also changed hairpin.fa file (U to T) 

Oh.. thank you David,

Finallly, I got

2565353 reads; of these:
2565353 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
479292 (18.68%) aligned 0 times
11959 (0.47%) aligned exactly 1 time
2074102 (80.85%) aligned >1 times
81.32% overall alignment rate

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